Myr to cny history
Exchange rate history between the Chinese Yuan Renminbi and Malaysian Ringgit Latest Exchange Rates Show: Last 30 days Last 60 days Last 90 days Last 180 days Last 1 year
This currency graph will show you a 1 month CNY/MYR history. All the latest changes can also be found in the MYR vs CNY history exhcange rates chart showing the recent dynamics of the chosen currency pair. If you want to 1 MYR to CNY - Ringgit to Yuan Exchange rate · 1 MYR to CNY Exchange rates graph · 1.00 MYR:CNY · 1 MYR in CNY: 10 days history Convert Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) with Valuta EX or banknotes, the user countries or the history of the currency, we recommend you to How much the Conversion price for 10 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) converter rates today Thu, 11-03-2021 ? and historical price for 10 How much the Conversion price for 25 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) converter rates today Thu, 11-03-2021 ? and historical price for 25 Find the latest CNY/MYR (CNYMYR=X) currency exchange rate, plus historical data, charts, relevant news and more. MYR/RMB Conversion Rate by Date - Historical Data · Malaysian Ringgit vs Chinese Yuan Renminbi - General Comparison This report analyzes CNY to MYR forex charts for different historical timeframes.
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MYR CNY; RM1 = ¥1.59: RM10 = ¥15.91: RM20 = ¥31.82: RM50 = ¥79.56: RM100 = ¥159.11: RM500 = ¥795.55: RM1,000 = ¥1,591.10: CNY MYR; ¥1 = RM0 This graph show how much is 75 Yuan in Ringgits - 46.94831 MYR, according to actual pair rate equal 1 CNY = 0.626 MYR. Yesterday this currency exchange rate was on 0.0002 MYR higher than today. On the last week currencies rate was on RM0.00113 MYR higher.Last month was lower on - RM 0.00144. Price for 1 Yuan was 0.62454 Ringgit, so 75 Chinese Yuan was worth 46.840282063943 in Malaysian Ringgit. 500 CNY Chinese Yuan to MYR Malaysian Ringgit The page provides the exchange rate of 500 Chinese Yuan (CNY) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), sale and conversion rate. Moreover, we added the list of the most popular conversions for visualization and the history table with exchange rate diagram for 500 Chinese Yuan (CNY) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) from Saturday, 06/03/2021 till Saturday, 27/02/2021. Thinking about where to convert 1 Malaysian Ringgit to Chinese Yuan Renminbi (1 MYR to CNY) today? Check out the best 1 Malaysian Ringgit to Chinese Yuan Renminbi exchange rates near me today by 1 MYR to CNY exchange rates history and forecast to maximise your return.
Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies. Do you want to INVERT the two currencies?
Use this free online historic currency converter to calculate the foreign money exchange rates between Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR). MYR CNY - Currency Exchange From Malaysian Ringgit To Chinese Yuan Renminbi With MYR CNY Rate, MYR CNY Converter, MYR CNY Chart And MYR CNY History along with converting MYR .
This page shows the historical data for Malaysian Ringgit(MYR) To Chinese Yuan(CNY) From Monday 15/02/2021 To Tuesday 09/03/2021. With the history
It is a dynamic currency conversion tool that lets you turn 1 CNY into 0.63 MYR easily and accurately.
From: Target: MYR CNY MYR CNY Date; 1 MYR = 1.6006 CNY: 0.6248 MYR = 1 CNY: 2021-02-18 Exchange rate history between the Chinese Yuan Renminbi and Malaysian Ringgit Latest Exchange Rates Show: Last 30 days Last 60 days Last 90 days Last 180 days Last 1 year Year 2019 Chinese yuan/Malaysian ringgit (CNY/MYR) rates history, splited by months, charts for the whole year and every month, exchange rates for any day of the year.
On this chart displays history of exchange rate for MYR/CNY or (Malaysian ringgit / Renminbi) MYR to CNY Table. Quick conversion table showing conversion rates between MYR CNY pair. MYR CNY; RM1 = ¥1.59: RM10 = ¥15.91: RM20 = ¥31.82: RM50 = ¥79.56: RM100 = ¥159.11: RM500 = ¥795.55: RM1,000 = ¥1,591.10: CNY MYR; ¥1 = RM0 This graph show how much is 75 Yuan in Ringgits - 46.94831 MYR, according to actual pair rate equal 1 CNY = 0.626 MYR. Yesterday this currency exchange rate was on 0.0002 MYR higher than today. On the last week currencies rate was on RM0.00113 MYR higher.Last month was lower on - RM 0.00144.
MYR to CNY Chart. based on Mid-market Rates * mid-market rates derived from the mid-point between the "buy" and "sell" transactional rates from global currency markets.. This MYR/CNY Chart lets you see this pair's currency rate history for up to 60 days. CashChanger uses highly accurate mid-market rates. myr cny myr cny; 1 myr = 1.6025 cny: 0.624 myr = 1 cny: 2 myr = 3.205 cny: 1.248 myr = 2 cny: 5 myr = 8.0126 cny: 3.1201 myr = 5 cny: 10 myr = 16.0252 cny: 6.2402 myr = 10 cny: 20 myr = 32.0505 cny: 12.4803 myr = 20 cny: 25 myr = 40.0631 cny: 15.6004 myr = 25 cny: 50 myr = 80.1262 cny: 31.2008 myr = 50 cny: 100 myr = 160.2524 cny: 62.4016 myr = 100 cny: 1000 myr = 1602.5236 cny: 624.0158 myr = 1000 cny Welcome to the MYR to CNY conversion page here at Foreign Exchange UK. Convert Malaysian Ringgit to Yuan using the foreign exchange rate 18/02/2021 12:04.Info includes intraday forex data if available, an example MYR CNY currency conversion table, MYR to CNY history listing Malaysian Ringgit to Yuan values over the last 30 days and historical charts. CNY to MYR currency chart.
1 CNY = 0.62374 MYR: CNY MYR rate 24/01/2021: Saturday 23/01/2021: 1 CNY = 0.62374 MYR: CNY MYR rate 23/01/2021: Friday 22/01/2021: 1 CNY = 0.62374 MYR: CNY MYR rate 22/01/2021: Thursday 21/01/2021: 1 CNY = 0.62358 MYR: CNY MYR rate 21/01/2021: Wednesday 20/01/2021: 1 CNY = 0.62553 MYR: CNY MYR rate 20/01/2021: Tuesday 19/01/2021: 1 CNY = 0.62479 MYR: CNY MYR rate 19/01/2021 150 MYR = 240.90749 CNY. Convert Chinese Yuan To Malaysian Ringgit . Exchange Rates Updated: Feb 20,2021 15:39 UTC. Full history please visit MYR/CNY History Change 1 MYR = 1.59446268633 CNY Change 1 Malaysian Ringgit = 1.59446268633 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 4th March 2021. Change 1 MYR = 1.59640873969 CNY Change 1 Malaysian Ringgit = 1.59640873969 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 3rd March 2021 MYR to CNY currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Malaysian Ringgit to Chinese Yuan Renminbi allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. XE: MYR / CNY … This report analyzes Yuan Renminbi (CNY) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) forex charts for different historical timeframes.
Easy and free access to MYR to CNY Exchange Rates: Charts and historical data - Malaysian Ringgit/ Chinese Yuan Renminbi. View a Chinese Yuan Renminbi to Malaysian Ringgit currency exchange rate graph. This currency graph will show you a 1 month CNY/MYR history. All the latest changes can also be found in the MYR vs CNY history exhcange rates chart showing the recent dynamics of the chosen currency pair. If you want to 1 MYR to CNY - Ringgit to Yuan Exchange rate · 1 MYR to CNY Exchange rates graph · 1.00 MYR:CNY · 1 MYR in CNY: 10 days history Convert Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) with Valuta EX or banknotes, the user countries or the history of the currency, we recommend you to How much the Conversion price for 10 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) converter rates today Thu, 11-03-2021 ? and historical price for 10 How much the Conversion price for 25 Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) to Chinese Yuan (CNY) converter rates today Thu, 11-03-2021 ?
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Annualization Factor For MYR/CNY = 365 / 28 = 13.04. 4. MYR/CNY Annual Projected Return (%) = AR = R% calculated in Step 2 x Annualization Factor = -1.24 x 13.04 = -16.17 % Note: Higher the value of Days-Passed, more accurate will be the Annual Projected Return.
Chinese Yuan (CNY) To Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Currency Exchange Rates History, From CNY To MYR History Graph, CNYMYR Historical Exchange Rates, Historical Data MYR to CNY Rates. Malaysia Ringgit MYR to CNY - Weekly performance of MYR to CNY shows decrease in CNY 0.0000 or 0% in value where peak conversion exchange rate of MYR to CNY was CNY 1.56 and lowest CNY 1.6250 conversion.
For the month (30 days) Date Day of the week 1 MYR to CNY Changes Changes % March 10, 2021: Wednesday: 1 MYR = 1.58 CNY-0.01 CNY-0.64%: February 8, 2021: Monday
Malaysia Ringgit MYR to CNY - Weekly performance of MYR to CNY shows decrease in CNY 0.0000 or 0% in value where peak conversion exchange rate of MYR to CNY was CNY 1.56 and lowest CNY 1.6250 conversion. Monthly fluctuation during the last 30 days as follows for MYR to CNY: High CNY 1.60 and Low CNY 1.6250 in value, where buying was CNY and Selling 1.5969 MYR/CNY history. On this chart displays history of exchange rate for MYR/CNY or (Malaysian ringgit / Renminbi) MYR to CNY Table. Quick conversion table showing conversion rates between MYR CNY pair. MYR CNY; RM1 = ¥1.59: RM10 = ¥15.91: RM20 = ¥31.82: RM50 = ¥79.56: RM100 = ¥159.11: RM500 = ¥795.55: RM1,000 = ¥1,591.10: CNY MYR; ¥1 = RM0 This graph show how much is 75 Yuan in Ringgits - 46.94831 MYR, according to actual pair rate equal 1 CNY = 0.626 MYR. Yesterday this currency exchange rate was on 0.0002 MYR higher than today.
On the last week currencies rate was cheaper for RM-0.00202 MYR.Last month CNY:MYR rate was on RM0.00101 MYR higher. Price for 1 Yuan was 0.63041 Ringgit, so 1 Chinese Yuan was MYR to CNY currency chart. XE’s free live currency conversion chart for Malaysian Ringgit to Chinese Yuan Renminbi allows you to pair exchange rate history for up to 10 years. Welcome to the page of currency pairs exchange rate history graph, Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) To Chinese Yuan Renminbi (CNY) Currency. By viewing the currency pairs exchange rate history graph (different periods for selecting), you can get more previous performance about the two currencies. Do you want to INVERT the two currencies? Malaysian Ringgit Chinese Yuan History; Wednesday 06/01/2021: 1 MYR = 1.60913 CNY: MYR CNY rate 06/01/2021: Tuesday 05/01/2021: 1 MYR = 1.60704 CNY: MYR CNY rate 05/01/2021: Monday 04/01/2021: 1 MYR = 1.61278 CNY: MYR CNY rate 04/01/2021: Sunday 03/01/2021: 1 MYR = 1.62412 CNY: MYR CNY rate 03/01/2021: Saturday 02/01/2021: 1 MYR = 1.62412 CNY: MYR CNY rate 02/01/2021: Friday 01/01/2021 Currency Exchange for Malaysian Ringgit to Chinese Yuan Renminbi histories| MYR to CNY histories Latest Currency Exchange: 1 Malaysian Ringgit = 1.59 Chinese Yuan Renminbi 7th March 2021 10:57 0.6101 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-09: 1 myr = 1.6418 cny: 0.6091 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-08: 1 myr = 1.6428 cny: 0.6087 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-07: 1 myr = 1.6416 cny: 0.6092 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-06: 1 myr = 1.6481 cny: 0.6067 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-05: 1 myr = 1.6481 cny: 0.6067 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-04: 1 myr = 1.648 cny: 0.6068 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-03: 1 myr = 1.6497 cny: 0.6062 myr = 1 cny: 2020-07-02: 1 myr = Annualization Factor For MYR/CNY = 365 / 28 = 13.04.