Ťažba gpu vs asic reddit



Now tell me something has to be wrong here. I understand that my GPU is only consuming 100W (.40C/day) and the DragonMint is consuming 1480W (~$5/day). GPU Pros/Cons: The biggest pro of GPU mining is that almost everyone owns one and can participate in mining in any capacity, meaning that coin minting stays decentralized and not in the hands of the relatively few that purchased a bunch of big ASICs. Another great thing is that we know the speed at which GPUs improve over time.

Ťažba gpu vs asic reddit

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Najprv zvážime náklady na hardvér. Ak chcete napríklad ťažiť BTC, budete s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou potrebovať ťažobnú súpravu ASIC. Najväčší SK-CZ výrobca GPU / HDD rigov Najväčší SK-CZ predajca ASIC minerov @2015-2021 V roku 2018 sa ťažba mnohých významných kryptomien uskutočňuje predovšetkým pomocou ASIC. Platí to pre bitcoiny, litecoiny, bitcoinové peniaze a teraz aj pre ethereum. Preto sa dnes každý, kto ťaží tieto mince pomocou GPU alebo CPU, snaží konkurovať kolosálnym ťažobným fondom. Jedným z prvých krokov, ktoré treba zvážiť, je, či je ťažba bitcoinov legálna tam, kde žijete.

Aug 14, 2020 · GPUs are more versitile and have better resale value; ASICs are specialized and have better efficiency although there is always another generation coming out. All depends on what you are planning on mining. Don't try GPU mining a coin that has ASICs though

VIEW ALL DEVICES NOT SURE HOW TO START MINING? NiceHash QuickMiner. Start mining in less than 60 seconds and earn money with your PC now! We have prepared a simple tryout tool called NiceHash QuickMiner for you to try mining for the first time!

Jedným z prvých krokov, ktoré treba zvážiť, je, či je ťažba bitcoinov legálna tam, kde žijete. V niektorých krajinách boli operácie ťažby bitcoinov úplne zastavené. Pred vypracovaním stratégie by ste mali lepšie pochopiť niektoré z právnych rizík a regulačné vyhliadky na začatie ťažby vo vašej krajine..

Ťažba gpu vs asic reddit

Ak chcete napríklad ťažiť BTC, budete s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou potrebovať ťažobnú súpravu ASIC. Najväčší SK-CZ výrobca GPU / HDD rigov Najväčší SK-CZ predajca ASIC minerov @2015-2021 V roku 2018 sa ťažba mnohých významných kryptomien uskutočňuje predovšetkým pomocou ASIC. Platí to pre bitcoiny, litecoiny, bitcoinové peniaze a teraz aj pre ethereum. Preto sa dnes každý, kto ťaží tieto mince pomocou GPU alebo CPU, snaží konkurovať kolosálnym ťažobným fondom. Jedným z prvých krokov, ktoré treba zvážiť, je, či je ťažba bitcoinov legálna tam, kde žijete. V niektorých krajinách boli operácie ťažby bitcoinov úplne zastavené.

Ťažba gpu vs asic reddit

When using the term ASIC in relation to cryptocurrencies , we have to understand that that ASIC chips are designed to execute “hash algorithms” in the most cost and energy Apart from mining process of Proof of Stake and Proof of Work - ASIC, GPU, and CPU also play a very important role in the mining process. As compared to CPU mining and GPU mining, ASIC mining is a highly preferred mining-hardware today and it solves very complex algorithm whereas GPU and CPU solve graphics algorithm and processor-based algorithm respectively. Ako ťažiť kryptomeny? U nás nájdeš všetko o ťažení virtuálnych mien - ako sa ťažia, možnosti ťažby, ako začať dolovať BITCOIN už dnes. Výroba a predaj na mieru vyrábaných mining zariadení, prenájom výkonu, vzdelávanie, vysvetlenie rozdielav a aktuálne novinky v blogu. BEST VIEWED IN 1080p HD!Anticipated GPU vs ASIC episode where the BBT team exposes our analysis of three months using a scrypt ASIC device pitted against two Is Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin mining still profitable in 2019?

You are missing the key fact that you cannot compare hashrate of different ALGORITHMS. That ASIC mines the algorithm used by Bitcoin known as SHA-256, a 100 TH/s on SHA-256 is currently about $28 a day for 3 grand (if you can find them at retail you could get 7 3060ti's which would be about 420 Mh/s on Ethereum (ETHash) which is currently $34 a day then add to that POWER USAGE, a 7 3060ti Even using NH with their 5% fee and my 25 MH/S GPU, I am bringing in around $3 to $5 a day. Looking at the Halong Mining DragonMint T1 that has 16Th/s and its only saying about $1.39 profit a day! Now tell me something has to be wrong here. I understand that my GPU is only consuming 100W (.40C/day) and the DragonMint is consuming 1480W (~$5/day). GPU Pros/Cons: The biggest pro of GPU mining is that almost everyone owns one and can participate in mining in any capacity, meaning that coin minting stays decentralized and not in the hands of the relatively few that purchased a bunch of big ASICs. Another great thing is that we know the speed at which GPUs improve over time.

ASIC debate, Lead dev Dave Collins clarified Decred’s position in a reddit post: To be perfectly honest, [switching to an ASIC resistant The Best ASIC Miner vs GPU’s. These are the graphics cards in your standard home computers which can also be used to mine cryptocurrency. The problem is that they are slower and less effective than asic miners and as the various cryptocurrencies continue to get mined the difficulty rating increases to mine that particular crypto further. Feb 22, 2021 · For GPU: There is a range of GPU software to choose from, depending on your level of experience and other factors. Typically, GPUs use CGminer, but there is Easy Miner, which is more suitable for beginners using a GPU. Scrypt ASIC Miners: This is the ideal software for mining script-based cryptocurrencies, like Dogecoin and Litecoin. Scrypt Feb 01, 2021 · An ASIC is a chip that can be set for mining Cryptocurrencies.

graphics card, while similar to the CPU in that it is a silicon chip on a board, has a very different purpose and function. The GPU is typically looked at to simply process graphics and output them to a screen. With a GPU, a graphics card solves complex algorithm whereas in ASICs mining, a chip solves the complex algorithm, both in order to gain rewards. The basic difference is that while GPUs are fast, ASICs are much faster. But while GPUs are relatively flexible, ASICs are limited to a narrow set of functions.

Is Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin mining still profitable in 2019? With the recent launch of two new highly profitable coins, yes it sure is but just how much? htt Kryptomeny nie sú len Bitcoin. Altcoiny, blockchain, technické analýzy, návody či recenzie. Pozrite si náš prehľad aktuálnych správ zo sveta kryptomien.

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Jan 11, 2021 · Scrypt was initially an ASIC and FPGA resistance algorithm. Meaning there were no custom hardware device on the Litecoin network. Only GPU miners were mining Litecoin. However in 2013 the first ASIC for scrypt algorithm appeared. Since then CPUs and GPUs are no longer used for mining Litecoin and other Scrypt based coins. ASICs are superior.

Price Comparison FPGA vs ASIC . Let’s take an example that shows the total cost of ASIC and FPGA technology including both NRE and production unit price. ASIC NRE: $1.5M. ASIC Unit Cost: $4 .


GPU mining is all you can mine a bunch of other algorithms with. If you want to mine bitcoin, the only option is ASIC. If you want to use something like Nicehash, you can 'get' bitcoin by using GPUs. But good luck finding GPUs right now. You are missing the key fact that you cannot compare hashrate of different ALGORITHMS.

Sell or buy computing power, trade most popular cryptocurrencies and support the digital ledger technology revolution. 3/2/2021 Yes, it's a dead end.